If you are one of the drivers that are greatly concerned about the price of fuel or wish to minimize the negative effects of your driving on the natural environment, you don’t necessarily require disposing of your car for an improved or to subcompact the budget.
Are you aware that your car can actually burn up to 30% more fuel if thorough maintenance is not carried out on a regular basis? Yes, it is possible and it is a known fact that regular maintenance of the vehicle has a number of benefits but we still ignore it. Oftentimes, travelers wonder how to save on fuel during self drive Uganda Safaris and we bring you the 5 tips for fuel efficiency on your road trip in Uganda;
Avoid leaving the car idle for a long time
One of the 5 tips for fuel efficiency on your road trip in Uganda is not leaving the car idle for a long time (more than a minute) because idling consumes from half a gallon to a full gallon of fuel per hour and unfortunately pumps unrequired Carbon dioxide into the air. Most present-day engines can consume less fuel when turned off and re-started again them idling for a long time. To successfully warm your engine, drive it and avoid reversing it. Modern engines also work harder under load and are likely to warm up faster when simply started hence you can wait for 20 seconds before driving away.
Utilize Cruise Control
If required/relevant, make use of your cruise control (a system that impulsively controls the speed of a car, hence reducing fatigue that you would feel while driving long distances. Most importantly, cruise control helps to save up to 6% in fuel consumption especially when driving on highways.
Conduct regular engine checks
Conducting regular engine checks is another way to ensure fuel efficiency on your road trip in Uganda. Since the development of computer-controlled fuel injection, there is nothing as old-fashioned tune-up anymore. If the worst comes to the worst, you may be required to change spark plugs, fuel filters, oxygen sensor and air filters among others.
Smooth and steadily driving
By using light throttle and avoiding heavy sudden brakes, you will save a great deal on fuel in addition to tear and wear. Research also shows that good or bad driving techniques will greatly influence on the overall fuel efficiency (at least by 30%) during your road trip in Uganda. As for steady driving, you will need to slow down as over speeding wastes a lot of fuel. Additionally, stay away from tailgating because it not only wastes fuel but is also not safe.
Avoid rough roads whenever possible
Rough roads are many in Uganda but always avoid them wherever possible because dirt and gravel can waste up to 30% of fuel mileage. Each time the car wheels jump up and down, expect forward motion energy to be removed from the vehicle. Therefore this is referred as “washboard” driving, which is not just uncomfortable but also slows down the car from the transfer of energy.
Other important tips for fuel efficiency on your road trip in Uganda include regularly checking tire pressure, changing the air filter according to the outlines number of times on owners’ manual, lightening your load (avoid overpacking), not resting left foot on the brake pedal while driving, inspecting any suspension and chassis parts for misalignment, choosing the right octane gas for your vehicle, combining errands into one trip instead of several short trips, using the recommended grade of motor oil and many others.
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